Current plan does not cover all touch points or channels
Even the greatest of businesses will inevitably fail if no one hears about it or responds to its consumer outreach. This makes marketing, in general, and digital marketing, in particular, essential components of growth and success in the modern age. With competition in most markets tighter than ever, the ability to attract new customers and retain existing customers is paramount. If your current marketing plan is failing to cover all viable consumer touch points and outreach channels, your small business is failing to capitalize on all opportunities to gain a competitive advantage.
Brand presence performance is unsatisfactory
Whether you have yet to shape the right brand identity for your small business or you are failing to spread awareness of that brand with your target consumers, partnering with a small business consultant can optimize brand presence performance in many ways. From your company logo and slogan to all imagery and messaging associated with your company, branding elements must be consistent and strong. Furthermore, your brand image must be carefully curated and controlled to resonate with your target consumer and further progress toward your company goals. Digital marketing is an essential component of building brand awareness today. Through measures such as strategic content marketing and search engine optimization (SEO), you can further your brand presence online and in the hearts and minds of your existing and potential customers.
Few conversions in comparison with site visitors
While any number of advertising tactics can bring potential customers to your door, turning those people into paying customers is another story entirely. Fortunately, a quality small business marketing consultant can help generate sales and any other conversions that you choose to prioritize. This means optimizing your website to ensure smooth functionality, exceptional user experience (UX), and brand consistency. Website design should funnel users from informative pages to those that encourage and facilitate purchases. Blogs and other forms of content marketing, both on-site and off-site, have also proven extremely effective when it comes to boosting conversion rates.
Difficulty understanding campaign performance
Transparently measuring and accurately evaluating the relative success or failure of traditional marketing campaigns has long been quite challenging. But a dedicated consultant can examine the performance of your small business marketing campaign in great detail and communicate findings to you in a language that you can clearly understand. After setting clear and measurable goals that are right for your company, your consultant can track progress toward those goals by tracking conversion rates and other key performance indicators (KPIs). KPIs reports are generally accessible online in real time.
Falling behind competitors on SERPs
Search engine result pages (SERPs) are the lists that search engines return when users type phrases or questions into an online search engine query field. Because few people scroll down to second or third result pages, positions at or near the top of relevant SERPs are key to business success for companies of all types and sizes. This it the central goal of all SEO functions. If your small business is consistently ranking beneath your competitors when target consumers Google your goods or services, a consultant can design and manage an SEO campaign that addresses your poor ranking on consumer SERPs.
Poor communication between marketing stakeholders
From investors to employees to partners, the key stakeholders in your small business must remain connected through efficient and effective lines of communication. A dedicated marketing consultant can act as a hub for this communication network, facilitating collaboration on various marketing projects and streamlining both operational and decision-making processes. After all, it is vitally important that all company stakeholders are on the same page when it comes to your small business’ unique and specific marketing goals, needs, responsibilities, and expectations. To ensure that everyone is up to date on these matters and others, your small business consultant will likely recommend communicating through one or more appropriate centralized digital platforms.
Unsatisfactory ROI on inbound marketing
Inbound marketing is all about attracting new prospective customers to your business. But beyond generating a large number of consumer leads, businesses must ensure that those leads are likely to convert into paying customers. Quality lead generation is key to getting the highest return on investment (ROI) for your inbound marketing dollar. Renaissance Digital Marketing consultants can optimize customer lead generation by providing these among other proven inbound marketing services: